What is Functional Medicine?

We search to find the true cause of why someone is sick by looking at each patient holistically, not just as a separate set of symptoms to be covered up by drugs.

It takes a special kind of person to want to dig deep into the research and medical journals to find out why someone has developed a certain disease and what can we do about it.

A Doctor of Functional Medicine is a naturopathic doctor, dietician, environmental doctor, epidemiologist, medical doctor, detective, and researcher all rolled into one.

Generally, when a doctor (myself included) gets out of school, the last thing he/she wants to do is go back to more school. But when sick patients just don’t seem to be getting better, it’s time to do something different.

The definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

We are shooting for different results. We are bucking the status quo, going against the grain, rocking the boat, peeing into the wind (maybe not). You get the point. Being different may not be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.

The point is that functional medicine is different and it takes a special kind of doctor to provide this care. There is often much ridicule that comes along with it. After all, this isn’t what is normally taught by the pharmaceutical companies in the medical schools.

It also takes a special kind of patient. You have to be willing and ready to change. Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Tired of being overweight, run down, a medication pez dispenser? Give me a call. If not, don’t bother. Call me when you're fed up and out of options.

I could give you the normal functional medicine spiel about how functional medicine addresses the whole person and not just an isolated set of symptoms.

But chances are, if you have made it this far, you know what it is and what is does. If not click here to hear a little more about it.

What is FMBeing a Functional medicine doctor involves knowing the biology of the body and how it functions. It involves knowing the intricacies of the web-like interactions that occur when you change one system of the body and how that change will directly affect another system of the body, and so on.

*We are looking to address the underlying causes of disease and dysfunction in order to assess the biochemical reactions that may be occurring within the systems of the body so that we can address the main cause.

*Consider: We are looking to assess the biochemical reactions occurring within systems of the body that may point to the underlying, main causes of disease and dysfunction.

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